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- We are like store clerks
We are like store clerks
Remember why people come
It is so easy to give in to the overwhelming current of pride when you experience the privilege of being used by Him. Like a dangerous rip tide current, you can be dragged far away from where you once were - that place of simple devotion and gratitude that He is even working through you.
To escape a rip tide, you need to escape it - not fight it. We do that by remembering who we are, who He is… and why people may praise us.
It’s like people praising a flag on a flagpole for how well it dances in the wind. I understand people love to see us move in the wind... but I must remember that it is the wind that moves me.
If you think about it, people don’t go to a grocery store to watch the store clerks stock the shelves. No matter how excellent they are or how pressed their uniforms are - people come to the store for one thing… food/groceries.
Take the food off the shelves, and people will not show up. Don’t be a store clerk who thinks people are coming to see him. Sure, he does his job well, and the recognition will come from his Manager... but the people come for the food.
Nobody likes empty shelves, but the store clerks try to be as invisible as they can. Maybe we can try to be more like that.
Please don’t get in the way of people and their food... make it easy for them to access that food... and don’t get it twisted as to why they come...
But many who push themselves to be first will find themselves last. And those who are willing to be last will find themselves to be first.”