Truth? What is Truth?

He Is Truth.

Pilate famously asked Jesus, “Truth? What is truth?”. He was so close. If only he knew that he was staring at Truth.

Jesus, If only he knew that You are truth personified.

You are truth, and You know what the truth is. What you say is and becomes the truth. You don’t serve truth - You create truth.

I long to know the truth, and yet, Jesus, I realize that my truth might not perfectly align with Yours. I long to understand how You see things. Share Your truth with me and help me see the world through Your eyes.

Where You are silent, give me a quiet trust and let me hold back from filling in the gaps. Teach me to love and embrace humility in my thoughts, for we are all on a growth journey to becoming what we already are in Christ.

Please remind me that I am not the benchmark, the standard, or the correct interpreter of doctrine. You alone set the standard. You are the perfect hermeneutic - the lens by which we read your word. You are the Word of God.

Guide me in comprehending your heart, your ideas, and your wisdom. Allow me to hear your voice so that you can gently correct me when I'm mistaken.

Father, perhaps some of my beliefs are flawed, what I was taught, what I heard, what I came to believe; then again, I may be right - but in all this, help me hear Your Voice amid all the noise we Your children make. So many claim to speak and know You perfectly.

I pray, Holy Spirit, that you help me discern between shadows and light. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that yields in joyful abandon.

Jesus is what God has to say about Himself. In Him, the fullness of God dwells bodily - and that’s where our confidence rests.

“Can I believe You hold an exclamation point for every question mark… “

Naive, Chris Rice

Open the eyes of my heart - We want to see You.


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