The way forward is back there

Go back and rediscover the reason

Worship sparks a fire within me, igniting passion and love for its potential to be life-changing, city-changing, family-changing, and world-changing. Like the vibrant colors of a kaleidoscope, worship is ever-evolving – at times breathtaking, at others, not so brilliant.

In conversations about worship, we often find ourselves gazing into the rearview mirror of the past, reminiscing on moments when divine encounters blossomed like fireworks in the night sky. From Solomon's temple to the upper room, we look back at revivals for reference and inspiration. But what if we shifted our focus to the present and future? Rarely do we declare that today is the pinnacle of worship.

Don't forget the reason you came here. Go back and get him.

Imagine taking your child on a journey to Disneyland, cruising down the highway with anticipation bubbling inside. Upon arriving at the gates of wonder, you realize your child is missing – left behind miles ago at a gas station. Panic-stricken, you wouldn't simply shrug it off and enjoy Disneyland without them. Instead, you'd retrace your steps to reunite with your child and share in the magic together.

This metaphor illuminates our path with worship; sometimes, we leave behind what truly matters in pursuit of progress or excellence. We must venture back to rediscover what we've lost before moving forward again.

Much like pausing a movie when confusion clouds our understanding, we rewind to make sense of the story again. In worship, we return to moments that resonated deeply within us – those powerful glimpses of what worship could be. Do you remember some of your own… make a list of them!
Remembering these ancient paths and carrying their significance into our present journey is crucial.

This reflection asks us to ponder: What more lies within worship than we've ever experienced? How can we rediscover what has been lost and set our course towards a future filled with awe-inspiring moments? To embark on this adventure, we must first recognize our need to revisit the past and retrieve what has been left behind. Only then can we forge ahead into tomorrow, eyes wide open, ready to embrace the wonders awaiting us.

“Go stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the old road, The tried-and-true road. Then take it. Discover the right route for your souls. But they said, ‘Nothing doing. We aren’t going that way.’

Jeremiah 6:16

I know this is for someone...

TODAY you stand at the threshold of a new beginning. All that is around you will change, and all that I have planted within you will now grow and bear fruit. Many speak of the rain that will soon fall, but I say it will be a DOWNPOUR on you! Many speak of the fire, but they have never been consumed. With you, My fire will rage and not be contained by the structures and theories of men.

There are many who wish for a new day, but you will be suddenly lifted into a season beyond your imagination or your dreams. For it will be MY dream that will be fulfilled in your life. So stand firm in Me until I have become your confidence.

Set your eyes upon Me and don't be worried about your future or your calling, for I am the God who begins and completes, the Alpha and the Omega. You have seen Me many times as the Beginning, now you will see Me as the Finisher!

Brian Simmons (The Passion Translation Writer)

Remember to pray for:

  • People of Israel, Palestine, Ukraine and Russia. Peace, wisdom, and good leadership

  • More understanding of His great love for us.

  • More wisdom in how to lead His people… and ourselves.

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