What’s the knot in your rope?

we all should have one... or more.

What’s the knot in your rope?

I was reading a Beth Moore tweet - I had never heard that question asked before.

She said, " What do I hold onto when I’m sliding down a rope, palms burning & blistering with all my formulas failing?”

When your life is falling apart, and all your hopes and dreams lie in ashes… (this sounds so depressing… but a worthy thought exercise anyways).

Now that I think about it - it seems related to the idiom/figure of speech: “at the end of your rope”.

But what is at the end of your rope?

Hopefully, there’s a knot - something of substance you can hold on to… what is that for you? Who is that for you? Really.

You can’t tie the knot as the rope races through your blistered hands. This knot had to have been tied before… maybe there needs to be a few knots.

I know what the answer should be… but it’s hard to really know until you find out… but its good to have some idea… and tie the knot now… before you need it.

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