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- Stop saying "less of me"...
Stop saying "less of me"...
Try "All of me"

A single thread in a tapestry
Though it’s colour brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design
Have you heard the story of the master tapestry maker and his granddaughter? The master created beautiful, intricate tapestries that were famous and expensive. One day, his granddaughter asked to make a tapestry with him. The family was shocked, but the grandfather happily agreed.
He taught her basic stitches and let her do whatever she wanted. They worked together on the tapestry, and when it was finally finished, they revealed it to the family and town. Everyone was amazed by its beauty – it was his best work yet.
People wondered how this could be since the granddaughter made mistakes along the way. The grandfather explained that he took her creativity, personality, and mistakes, weaving them with his wisdom and skill to create this beautiful result.
This story shows how God wants to partner with us. He doesn't expect us to meet a certain standard alone but asks us to join Him in creating something beautiful together. We don't need to hide or minimize ourselves – it's not about "less of me and more of Him."
Instead, it's about working together with our Father, allowing Him to use our unique qualities and imperfections to create something amazing. He'll take what we offer and multiply it with His power.
God knows our unique personalities, backgrounds, and talents. He sees the way we talk, play instruments, sing, or even dress. If we give Him all of who we are - not the watered down, church version, "it's all Him, not me" version - He'll weave beauty and purpose into our lives, creating something amazing.
God can turn water into wine and feed thousands with just a few fish and loaves. He can surely use our quirks to bring beauty and change to the world. Think about your favorite artists – they're authentic and vulnerable in their self-expression. You don't want them to be anything but themselves. Think of your children or young relatives - would you want them to be clones of some empty "less of me" person?
Imagine if they felt they had to tone down their personalities for God to use them. It would be a loss for everyone. Like a loving parent, God wants us to be fully expressive and colorful, vibrant versions of ourselves.
So let God have all of you – every part of who you are, even the rough edges. He'll weave in and around us for good – for you, for Him, and for the world. Trust in His ability to make something beautiful out of your true self.
We need you - the full, real, new creation, you. Stand out. Shine your light. Be set on a hill. Radiant. Let the river of living water within you flow.
He wants more, not less, of you. In fact, He wants all of you. So let Him have all of you.
Working on our new worship leader community! Can’t wait to invite you in later this month.