Stop Leading Worship

Lead People Instead

Teach me, lead me, please…

Picture an incredible swimmer trying to teach people to swim and enjoy the pool's deep end. He dives right in, heading straight for the deep end, beckoning others to join him. Some brave souls dive in, while others slowly wade in from the shallow end or sit on the side, dipping their feet.

The point is that people want to get into the pool but need a guide to help them reach the deep end. If a leader only dives into the deep end themselves and expects everyone else to follow suit, they're not truly leading. Meeting people where they are and guiding them step by step is crucial.

This concept applies to worship as well. Worship has become a noun – we love singing worship songs and immersing ourselves in that experience. But sometimes, we forget that not everyone is ready for the deep end.

On Sundays, we often dive straight into worship without considering whether everyone is ready to join us. We must shift our focus from simply leading worship to leading people into worship. This means ensuring everything – the music, lighting, and stage – is designed to serve and unite the congregation in their worship experience.

We're missing the point if we only prioritize appearance and production value. Our purpose is to help people encounter the Lord together through united worship.

So let's stop merely leading worship and start intentionally leading people into it.

So let's embrace our calling and strive to be great at guiding others into worship, rather than just appearing like worship leaders.

What do you think of the new comic strip post… I’m going to try create single comic-style images that illustrate fresh takes on worship leading.


Pray for me. I’m off to Dallas next week to speak at Lamar Boshman’s T2 Mentoring Retreat. It will be great to meet with worship leaders and cast a vision for leading corporate encounters and releasing our e-book. Did I mention that I am writing an eBook with Lamar Boshman? More on that soon, but it’s been a fantastic privilege to learn and walk with Lamar - and we are only just getting started.

Brand new course:
Lead presence-centered worship: ALTARS: Priesthood & Presence

Check out this new resource by Chris Burns, who I have admired and learned a lot from. We share the same heart to see presence-based worship, and its great to see important themes that can help us see the “more” and the “why” of worship.

This is not an affiliate link. I’m just sharing it because I think you and your sphere will benefit from the wisdom contained within. And it’s at a crazy deal right now.

Check it out


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