Songs are like Elevators

"Going up..."

Songs are like elevators. Their entire purpose is to take us somewhere. Few people get on the elevator for the elevator’s sake… most elevator riders are trying to go somewhere.

What’s the difference between a bad, a good and a great elevator?

A bad one doesn’t work… doors don’t close,

A good one - a normal one - takes you where you want to go - it doesn’t have to be pretty, but it just works.

A great one takes you where you want to go comfortably - perhaps even giving you an experience.

A worship song should take us to a place of response - a place of worship and encounter. A worship song takes to the throne - or rather - helps us realize & remember who He is… helps us see Him & respond.

I don’t care how it does it.
Thick, deep lyrics? Just get me there.
Simple, basic melody? Just get me there.
New and different vibe? Just get me there.
Familiar and nostalgic? Just get me there.
I don’t care how it does it, as long as it does.

An elevator has one job - take me to the floor I want.

A dance song has one job - get me dancing.

A worship song has one job - help my heart see & respond to Him anew.

A great worship song takes me there with elegance, it unites my worship with others, it gives me new language to express what’s in my heart, it reminds me of truth I never want to forget… but in the end - it takes me from the ground floor of my day to day life - and helps me go up to new levels, new atmospheres… it helps me obey when the Spirit says “Come up here, Come up now… my Beloved.”

Then they heard a loud shout from heaven saying to them: “Come up here!”…

Revelation 11:12 TPT

PS: The same could be said for a worship leader. Just help me/us see and respond to Him… but that’s another post for another day.


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