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We all have fears. Darkness, death, automatic flushing. These fears make up who we are. We should embrace them. Face them head on. Don’t let them define you.

As a young worship leader, I often felt sick before leading a service, mistaking it for food issues when it was actually anxiety. It was bad. Sometimes, I was even late to the platform - and I was the worship leader!

This anxiety came from wanting to meet or exceed expectations, a common desire in any performance art. I’m not saying I shouldn’t have been anxious… it would be normal… it showed that I cared… but…

Insecurity stems from looking inward for validation, which is risky because feelings and circumstances are ever-changing.

When our self-worth is tied to meeting these expectations, anxiety becomes a constant companion. We feel amazing when we perform well but terrible when we screw up - even if we are the only ones who notice! This unpredictability breeds chaos and insecurity within us.

Instead of basing our security on fluctuating circumstances, we need to know (experientially and intellectually) that we are unconditionally loved by One who will not change His mind or heart. God's view of me doesn't change based on my performance or behavior.

You are as loved as Jesus is loved. When you embrace and internalize this truth, your confidence will grow. Your need for approval and acceptance will fall away - you are already fully accepted - even when you mess up.

So, when anxiety hits, dig deep into why you feel that way. There is no shame in this—it is just a signal that we are leaning on a less dependable foundation. Reassess your foundations, and remember the One who will not change His mind about you. Go and sing from that place…

Have a great week… go make a ruckus.

Are you in the Dallas area?

Are you a worship leader or pastor of a small or medium-sized church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area? I’ll be in town in November, speaking at a worship mentorship conference to serve others like yourself. I’d love to meet you!

I’ll be speaking on this topic: From Karaoke to Encounter
I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences on the topic!

Here is a video from Lamar Boschman, my mentor and organizer of this conference.


or to participate.