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- The Secret to Success
The Secret to Success
Your way is better

Your way is better
Remember the story of the disciples fishing all night without catching anything? Then the Lord told them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, and they caught their biggest haul ever! Keep this story in mind as I continue.
I am becoming a full-time worship thought leader and artist, and it's been quite an adventure these last 4 months.
I'm still figuring things out, and some days I feel discouraged trying to become in my life what I've always been in my heart.
Social media, ebooks, newsletters, videos, writing, producing music, speaking at events... Sometimes, I feel like a fish out of water with everything I'm "supposed" to do. I've spent a lot of time and money on content creator courses, software, personal branding books, and equipment like video lighting, audio, and cameras. (and don't ask me how many videos I've made yet!)
All these products promise secret keys to unlocking the success (audience growth) I seek.
"If I could just understand all the insider
secrets and strategies for social media growth, I would be successful."
I see people making slick videos and envy how natural they seem on camera. If only I had better equipment or a fancy YouTube studio!
But is that really the key to success? What is success – why are they defining it for me?
The success I want is like the net-busting success the disciples had (without the long overnight shift). They fished all night with no luck until Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side. Suddenly, they caught so many fish their boat could hardly hold them!
We all want fruitfulness and results, and it's easy to focus on having a better boat or stronger nets (better lighting, camera, training) – if only we had all that, we'd catch more fish, right?
But for the disciples, the secret of success wasn't in their nets or boats. Those were necessary tools but not the secret sauce. The real secret was their obedience to the Lord's voice. They heard, listened, and did what He said. Simple.
They caught more fish than ever, almost breaking their nets! More than they could imagine, but not so much that their boat sank or nets snapped. This is our God – so good to us. He will use what we have and bless it in ways we can't even imagine when we listen and obey His voice.
We can do more than we ever thought possible, just like the stories of fish and loaves, oil in jars, and Daniel's veggie fast.
That's the success we all want in 2024 and beyond - more than we could ask or imagine.
I recall Louie Giglio, who started the huge Passion Conferences, being asked how he did it. He said he didn't know; they just had a front-row seat to what God was doing.
Some things can't be explained. Imagine Peter trying to explain his miraculous catch to other fishermen in an online course!
Sure, having a good boat and strong nets is important, and any fisherman can catch fish. But it's the trust and obedience to the Lord that brings true success.
Fixing my net feels easier than waiting on the Lord.
Many people find some success without listening to the Lord. You can teach them how to succeed at X with a 5-step plan. There is nothing wrong with that - but that's ordinary success that comes from working hard and smart.
But what if we had Jesus' success in our lives?
Lord, teach me how to rest, listen, trust, and obey.
I want Your growth. Your increase. Your impact. Your results. Your fruit. Your provision. Your harvest. Your catch. Your way.
Your way is better.
(I don't know what it is - but Lord, help me rest and listen so I can find out and get to know You better)
In 2024, help me do what you have called us to do in your way.
Your way is better.
”Jesus shouted to them, “Throw your net over the starboard side, and you’ll catch some!” And so they did as he said, and they caught so many fish they couldn’t even pull in the net!“