
What could be?

Oh the places you will go… if you go…

I'm driven by the concept of potential – the space between what is and what could be. It's about intentionally pursuing what could be, often what should be - not out of greed but responsibility.

As a young adult in Zimbabwe, I was on the brink of a new life in Canada. I saw our gardener, content yet limited by circumstances, and wondered: What if our roles were reversed? What dreams does he have - that he’s not in a position to pursue? Why do I get the opportunity to realize my potential when by chance of birth I am here - and he is there?

This thought sparked a sense of duty in me. I realized I had to make the most of my opportunities, not just for myself, but as a tribute to those who couldn't.

In our comfortable Western life where most of life’s necessities are provided - its easy to settle for the comfort and pleasure afforded us here. But what if there’s more. What does your life look like at its full potential?

Let’s turn to worship. What does the full potential of corporate worship look/sound/feel like? No matter what your answer is - I don’t think we regularly experience it. Are we too easily satisfied?

It's not the Lord's fault we don't experience it fully. He wants us to and made it possible for us to boldly come before Him. So why don’t we do it, experience it more often? Maybe we just don't have a clear vision for it, so we settle for what we have.

As C.S. Lewis insightfully notes: 'It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.’

The potential of corporate worship is captured by this phrase: Corporate Encounter.

”Every time we gather - let’s expect an encounter.”

Sounds nice - but what does that look like and how do we get there? (I think the answer lies in the question of “Who?” not “How?”)

I want to inspire worship leaders to see the full potential of corporate worship and encourage each other on this journey.

Imagine a world where genuine corporate encounters happen every time we gather. 

The world, our churches, and families need face-to-face encounters with Jesus and worship leaders who lead people there.

I just launched my website… well a single page so far, but its a start. Take a look - my goal is to create a community where we can all encourage and provoke one another in the Lord and our potential in Him.


(you have already read most of the content of my site in this post… so just take a look to see what I am trying to do.)

Coming soon:

  • “Its Who not How” - A Worship Leader’s Podcast

  • “Dear Worship Leader” Book Series - First one is coming out this month.

  • An app: Worship OS - where I’m currently booking calls with worship leaders who create setlists…

  • Video content on YouTube and Instagram

Thank you for your support - let’s discover and unlock the potential of corporate worship together.


or to participate.