O come let us adore Him

Pick a word.

O come let us adore Him

O: Hey. Look up from what you are doing. Pay attention. Pardon the interruption, Yo!

Come: Leave where you are and come over here. Step out of your status quo. You are invited - will you show up?

Let: You don’t have to. You are not obligated. You get to choose. You decide.

Us: We. You and I. Our community, our gathering, our congregation. Your family, us… Humanity, and people in general.

Adore: Lavish love. Extravagant affection poured out. Loving lingering gaze. Face to Face. Lean back into Him

Him: Jesus. What God has to say about Himself. Christ the Lord.

If you could only pick one of these words - to define your approach to worship - which would it be?







For me, it is “Him”.

Because He is the first principle of worship (of everything).

Because it’s WHO not HOW.

Have a Merry Christmas. I know many of us worship leaders are busy - but don't forget HIM in the midst of it all.


or to participate.