What if we just got started?

Why is starting so hard?

What if I start, and no one cares?

What If I sow and get no apples?

I set up this newsletter and blog a few weeks ago. Right now I have two subscribers… myself and a friend. (hi!)

What if I just started, and not despised this day of small… tiny, tiny, tiny beginnings? Hopefully someday, I will look back at this post and smile. (if you could sense the lack of faith I have that that day will ever come you would slap me)

Wow - I sound like that servant who buried his talent cause he didn’t believe he could do anything worthwhile with it. Help my unbelief.

So here it goes. Here’s to starting - where you at. With the little you have. The voice note, the seed, the five fish and two loaves, the idea, the mustard seed.

Oh - and here’s to the One who promises to walk with us. Will you join me on this journey - in your own area… where do you need to just start? What seed do you need to plant today?


or to participate.