The Journey to Happy

Baby steps = happiness.

What's your happy place? It should be easy to find if you know where it is. But perhaps happiness isn't a place.

For me, it's comes from progress, moving forward in life, and achieving goals. Even taking small steps makes me happy. It’s not the only thing of course but for that day to day general level of happiness (not joy) - feeling like i’m making progress feels good.

So, how are you making progress?

What are you moving towards in your worship ministry, personal life, work, health, whatever?

If things look the same as they did years ago, why not set a goal for the next six months? Trust me, taking baby steps towards that goal will bring happiness and a sensed of progress.

Personally, I want to champion corporate worship encounters. I don't have all the answers but I'm actively heading in that direction. That's why I started this newsletter.

We have exciting things coming up like:

  • an e-book

  • a podcast discussing corporate encounters and worship leader identity

  • a community where we can for share experiences and ideas.

  • The setlist app! (Just got the logo - see below)

There are four things that keep me motivated. Some days, I feel like I'm making good progress. Other days, not so much. Keeping up with social media can be tough. But, I enjoy sharing content and I look forward to all these new developments as we work together towards creating more meaningful corporate encounters.

The fact that I'm further ahead than yesterday, last week, or last month helps me stay encouraged. So, I invite you to join me on this journey. Set your own goals and take small steps towards them.

See you next week!

“And step by step you lead me,

And I will follow you all of my days.”

Rich Mullins

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