Immaturity looks like rebellion

Don't confuse them

(Sorry, this is late. I was finalizing the ebook Sing Again. Coming soon.)

Immaturity can sometimes look like rebellion. Young worship leaders are often called, gifted, and excited about their impact and God's promises in their lives. They can be bold or overconfident, but that's part of growing up and learning.

Some leaders might not appreciate this energy, drive, and approach, but it's important not to shut it down. We don't need people pretending to be perfect to join a worship team. Instead, we need individuals who are true to themselves and willing to be led, coached, and discipled.

It's great for young worship leaders to be wild, expressive, and maybe even brash. Their energy and enthusiasm matter, so we shouldn't cut it down or try to make it more like us. Channel their zeal in the right direction.

Don't be like Joseph's brothers, who became jealous when Joseph had dreams of grandeur from God. They tried to get rid of him because they didn't understand his immaturity wasn't rebellion. Joseph was just communicating what God told him without knowing the best way to handle it.

Let young worship leaders be themselves and express themselves. Support them by nurturing and guiding them as mothers, fathers, or siblings. Let’s help each other mature into the worship leaders we want to be.

Not everything that looks like rebellion is bad behavior - sometimes, it's just immaturity. What they need is a family who can see past that and envision who they can become one day. What they need are leader who remember what they were once like, and extend the grace that was was shown to them - to the next generation.

I’m creating a community of people just like you - who want to become the worship leaders that they want to be. Please help me out by joining the early bird list


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