Come out of Hiding

Arise & Shine

Recently, I've been doing some deep thinking since I left my job. I know that I'm heading towards something new, and these past months have been quite the journey. Just when I think I've figured it all out, I find more limiting beliefs to deal with. While tidying my desk, I stumbled upon notes from a session where I challenged my own beliefs. We often don't realize how much our beliefs, which run on autopilot, hold us back.

“Arise, shine; for your light has come,

And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

“For behold, darkness will cover the earth

And deep darkness the peoples;

But the Lord will rise upon you

And His glory will appear upon you.

ISAIAH 60: 1,2

One of my biggest roadblocks is thinking I’m not good or special enough for what I am called to do. That belief keeps me playing small. For example, I don’t share my music on social media because I fear rejection. I thought the only way to be loved was to be perfect or just really great, but this false need to be the best stopped me from trying at all.

I realized that this mindset prevented me from living a life full of adventure and purpose. I was my own worst enemy (and still am) and withholding my gifts from those who need them. But the truth is, I am a fountain of life. My worth doesn't come from impressing others or even from sharing what's inside me. My worth is in the simple fact that I am loved by my Father - as loved as Jesus is loved. I am a fountain of living water; my job is to release that water as uncontaminated as possible.

I heard a thought that resonated with me: God doesn't call us to things we can do without Him; He calls us to things where we need His strength. While some tasks may seem simple, like helping at a soup kitchen, they still require humility and obedience—qualities we get from God.

Am I doing something that REQUIRES God? Does leading a team and a congregation through a set list require God?

What if there is a ‘level’ of worship leading where relying on my voice or performance isn't enough? Of course, there is - but is that what I intentionally try to do? True calling might mean stepping into the unknown, where we can truly thrive only with God's help. I want to lead worship that requires God to do something my flesh and abilities cannot do - whatever that looks like.

There's also this idea that genius is different from talent. Talent means excelling at what others in our field are doing - for example, writing better songs, singing higher notes, releasing bigger videos, blah, blah, blah…, but genius is about exploring unseen possibilities and expanding what's possible for everyone.

Talent is about hitting a target everyone is also aiming at. Genius is about hitting a target no one can see - yet.

So now, I refuse to let fear or the worry of seeming self-promotional hold me back from using my gifts or aiming for goals beyond my reach. God set goals and outcomes.

Come out of hiding, You’re safe here with Me
There’s no need to cover what I already see
You’ve got your reasons, but I hold your peace
You’ve been on lockdown, and I hold the key

“Come out of Hiding” - Steffany Gretzinger

It's time to take action - less overthinking—no more hiding. From now on, it's about being true to myself and sharing the living water in everything I do—my newsletter, music, and worship leading.

I don't have all the answers yet, but I know it's time to move forward with faith. To stand and be me. Part of that is to present myself as Batsirai - the person, and not hide behind brand names like “Whatifworship”. Next week - the newsletter will come from - everything I do will reside there or be linked to from there. It’s a small thing - but a big thing - letting people see you.

And as I take these steps into the unknown, I invite you to join me on this journey.


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