Chasing Clout

A tap doesn't chase drinkers...

Every week, it seems there’s another worship collective that looks eerily similar to popular ones. They dress the same, use the same video filters, and wear the same hats, lol… and why not try to look the part…

Worship has grown so much in the last +20 years - in good and concerning ways. The allure of fame and influence is so strong in the age of platform building and social media - in fact, I’m trying to build an audience by offering worship leaders a relevant newsletter, apps, and music. So I understand. I am looking at my own motivations.

Do we produce music videos or do we record worship moments that would have happened if there was no camera?

Clout: weighty Influence. Do I desire influence and notoriety to make up for the fact that sometimes I believe I am not enough?

Must make something of myself to prove to myself and others - that I am what I want to be, that I am somebody?

And I am only somebody when other people confirm that with their praise, adoration, follows, likes, views, and respect?

Chasing: the pursuit of that which I already have in Christ, but in ignorance of my inheritance and identity - I try to acquire.

”I’m working hard to fulfill my destiny” “Look how hard I am trying to become something” “I’m out here grinding… toiling… striving… will you love me… please?”

Arg… Spirit of wisdom and revelation speak… and give me ears to hear

I don’t want to chase that which I already have in Christ…


or to participate.