Be a great worship leader

Be great. It’s really simple yet really hard.

Why not? Why not be great?

Wait. Let’s define great.

Metaphor Alert 🚨 (there will be a lot of these in my posts)

What makes a tap great? There’s a wide variety of faucets at the local hardware store, some basic, some ornate, and some crazy unique.

What makes a tap valuable, though?

What we are paying for, and buying are two different things.

We pay for the superficial features or lack thereof, but we are buying something that will deliver water with ease and purity.

People line up in some parts of the world for hours to get clean water from the most basic tap.

People don’t care about the tap. People line up for water.

A great tap delivers the purest water.

A great worship leader lets those rivers of living water pour out of them.

People are thirsty for living water and those moments of collective encounter.

Let’s be great in that regard, like taps that deliver pure water to those who want to drink.

Becoming great… well that’s a big topic. Let’s explore it together in the posts to come. Be great. (you already are!)


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