What if you were 10x better at what you are already amazing at?

You have not, cause you ask not.

When we ask God for help, we usually focus on what we're missing. If we have it, we don't bother Him. That makes sense, right?

I was listening to something about Solomon that got me thinking. You know that he asked for wisdom when God offered to give him anything he asked for. Solomon didn’t ask for riches, etc - he asked for wisdom. It struck me that he had enough wisdom to ask for more wisdom. He asked for that which he already had.

Imagine if we did the same. Say you're naturally good at singing or playing the guitar. Instead of just being okay with that talent, what if you asked to be even better? To be a fantastic singer or a master guitarist? We often ask God to fill our lacks but not to enhance our strengths.

I heard of someone who was tone deaf and asked the Lord for a singing ability - and became a good singer. Cool hey? But I’m not talking about that…

I’m talking about asking God to enhance, multiply, supercharge, 10X what you are ALREADY good at and use in service of others…

What would happen if we did? What if you asked God to greatly increase your natural gifts?

Like in the parable of the talents, they hot a talent, worked and grew what they had been given, and were given more. We often see the message as - I must multiply what I have been given - and that’s true. But maybe we should trust God to help us multiply our talents. Let's ask for His grace and supernatural help in areas where we're already gifted Grace upon Grace—Glory to Glory.

Solomon was wise enough to ask for wisdom. Let's be wise enough to ask for growth in our strengths too. Then, who knows how much good we could do in the world? We have not cause we ask not, or that we might spend it on our pleasures. But if you know what would make you more effective at serving what He’s called you to do… ask for it, ask for more… keep asking. He’s good - and wise; He alone knows what we can handle. So ask away…

What if you were 10x better at what you are already amazing at?

10x me, Lord. 10x the ‘me in Christ’. Super-equip me to do what you called me to do. The ordinary just won’t do - I need a touch that comes from you.

“Give me _________ that I might serve my generation well.” Don’t hold back.

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Lamar Boschman Books
Excellent resources that will transform your approach to worship. Lamar is a friend and mentor - and the Lord uses him to shape me. He is a modern worship pioneer in the truest sense… look him up!

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Legacy Conference 2024
Justin Rizzo, another friend and mentor, courageously creates films and music that creatively reach our generation. Check out this upcoming conference with amazing guests.


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