What If Worship

Because the is so much more to discover...

First off - a big welcome to all the new subscribers who came in from Cowriter - the simple worship songwriting app I made. This is a community of people serving their local gatherings by leading worship or writing worship songs.

Recently, I stepped away from my full-time job and found myself pondering the future. What direction am I headed? Rather than focusing on where I wanted to go or what the Lord wanted me to do, I turned my thoughts inward, seeking to rediscover my identity and reestablish the foundations of His love.

Crazy as it may sound, I am loved just as much as Jesus. My passion lies in worship, contemplating how we can improve and serve our communities more effectively. I've been mulling over the notion of corporate encounter – transcending mere songs and embracing authentic worship defined not by our musical prowess but by shared experiences.

Perhaps someday, I'll pen a book on this corporate encounter, exploring the endless possibilities of worship. As a dreamer and innovator, I often find myself asking "what if?" This question embodies my vision for this newsletter and my contribution to the worship community.

This newsletter and community is no longer called “YouLeadWorship.com”.

This newsletter and community is officially being renamed from YouLeadWorship.com to “What If Worship…” 


What if worship could be transformed? What aspects would we change or enhance? There's an entire world of uncharted ideas waiting to be discovered, and together in this newsletter, we'll dive into forward-thinking concepts that may even bring us back to the basics – the first principles of worship.

This newsletter has always been about serving you, the worship leader, by provoking thought and seeking ways to serve our congregations better. We're not just leading worship; we're facilitating corporate encounters. Excited for what's ahead, you can also follow me on Twitter(@whatifworship) and Instagram (@batsirai) as we continue exploring the possibilities with "what if" questions for the future of worship.

I’d love to know where you think worship is going - or where it should go!


or to participate.